Tuesday, July 8, 2008


Ever been awake yet not feel fully awake, like your body is moving around but somehow your soul is still snoozing at home??
well i had one of those days today, the whole journey to work and at work was just this fuzzy period in time, it was as if i was on autopilot and my body was merely following this predetermined course trying to complete a series of tasks that would lead me to ultimately attaining a day's wage.

the lack of mental stimulus and motivation is really killing me.....denigrating what is human in me to something akin to a machine...

can we truly say we are alive then when we just go about our tasks with little mental effort, how are we then different from a supposed non-living thing, for wouldn;t one say that a machine is alive too for it too performs specific tasks each day.

and so now i become critical of the capitalist machinery..... and i rant and rant and i critique and i think i know what is the correct way to do something... but then again seeing what is wrong with something does not equate to knowing how to correct it....

feeling lost and empty....