Thursday, June 12, 2008


I was kinda like stoning on my bed just now, like after work which is getting terribly boring tat i have to constantly find ppl to disturb on my HP such that i can anticipate their reply and thus keep my mind of the work (long sentence which i'm making even longer by adding this).

Feeling some times that maybe a certain something is missing i mean i have a gd Family, friends, God (gotta put this in) and all but yeh sometimes i prob wish i could have someone like special to be with.

Now this is rather unlike me, i mean i have always felt like i dun need this kind of shit, but i guess sometimes there is a certain feeling of lack in a part of my life.

Maybe its just the romantic shit korean drams i have been watching to get my mind of work, or maybe the weather or the planets alignment but yeh i guess having being single for 22 yrs is kinda taking is toll.

Now i guess some of you will be like, u are shitting me, wats so cool abt relationships, the breakups and shit. But then again even though it may be crappy i guess it would be a worthwhile exp for that fleeting moment that u truly care for someone?(my opinion, dun fault me for it)
