Sunday, March 23, 2008

Audience tact

Was queueing up to pay for this loaf of bread at 7 eleven just now.
And do you know that whole stack of condoms at the cashier which noone ever seems to buy...
Have you ever wondered how people actually buy those stuff, let me enlighten you.
Well as you know i was queueing to pay for my bread, minding my own business, when all a sudden the guy in front just reached over to that whole stack of you know what, and quickly handed it over to the cashier. It was damn fast, over in a flash, like a snake striking at some unlucky ku ku.
I was like, did i just see what i just saw, haha and just as quickly it went into the hands of the cashier, upon return it went straight into his pocket in under a second.
Of course i was like wth man, but i exercised audience tact and tried to give the most stoned face i could muster.
But wth, whats wrong with buying condoms that you need to do it so quickly and discretely like its some thing you can;t be caught with.
Personally i don't agree with the use of such contraceptives but i'm like good for you man, at least you are responsible and safe don;t need to be so paiseh lah