Was reading Prof Benjamin's paper on the nation state just no in the library, man one heck of a long paper, while draining it was rather interesting.
One point was how he elaborated on Gellner's point i believe, not sure ho to spell his name, regarding how education is a from of establishing people's acceptance to the nation state which was particularly interesting seeing ho we live in what prof calls a secondary nation state.
Education thus essentially is a device for the subversion of the population to the ideals of the nation state and also to enable the perpetuation of its existence. Which brings me to our education then, are we then merely being herded I would say into a particular field of study for the perpetuation of this regime and not for the true intrinsic value of education per say. I do not wish to discuss abt the whole 'value' of education, it is a debate in itself, but rather are we then learning for the right reasons. How often do we hear people studying for a course just for career prospects or even grades- prob guilty of this, for example taking slack elective courses because of its effect on GPA, are we thus then diminishing this whole value of education into something so pragmatic that we lose the true meaning of education.
I was practically asking myself that question while reading the paper, so what am i doing essentially, what is the true motive behind my studying? am i studying just so i can subjugate myself into this seemingly oppressive world order of ours, or am i doing so for the value and pure interest of which. Which then also brings to mind the question of knowing the reason for why we are doing something, are we then so influenced by the regimes in place that we are blinded and misguided in our motives in doing anything even though they may seem legitimately to contain value.
Have then this whole overt celebration of pragmatism and seeming rationality, diminished any value present left in our lives?
In the news- well looks like some guy just escaped from a detention centre, really laughing my ass off when i read the explanations for his escape. If he is so high profile how the hell can he escape by pretending to go to the toilet, that has to be the oldest trick in the book. mannnnn can envision some poor civil servant getting blamed for this
This is crazy, i wish to become one with my guitar too but i guess i have to settle for my easy slow picking songs at least for now.
Reading the newspapers, read about the whole space crunch in TTSH, wondering what the hell is going on. Did some guy in the ministry like underestimate the demand or something? so much for forward planning i guess. Why the whole delay in building a new hospital till like last yr when it was suggested years before? I guess healthcare issues are the bane of all societies whether in the first world or the developing nations. I wonder if its prudent to market ourselves as a regional medical hub when our own citizens have to suffer with the overcrowding, settle the domestic space crunch first perhaps?
Whooo recess is here and I can't believe i'm freaking wasting it away. In fact I can't even remember what I did over the weekend, thats just how 'exciting' my life is for you.
Well at least i have a gathering planned for tomorrow, hopefully no last minute cancellations that would once again relegate me to spendning the day jamming all by my lonesome. GOt to find some freaking jamming partners man, so yeah any of you readers out there who play the guitar or bass or drums or er hu or pi pa or recorder for that matter look me up man.
Too, shy shy
hush hush, eye to eye
too. shy shy
hush hush, eye to eye
NOthing much to write about these few days, just been reading, doing assignments and studying for the damn mid terms.
MAn this song is great, solo at 2:48 is cool man!!!!!
Funny thing how we always like check ourselves out in the mirror, and we try to look our best according to what we see in the mirror when the mirror isn't really showing what others see us as.
So if u like part ur hair to the left, what people see is a parting to the right shouldn't we then be using prisms to check ourselves out?????